Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Moving On

Well, after a slow fall and winter, things seem to be happening in Republic again! Three local groups applied for an available Horizons grant to address poverty issues in Ferry County. I wish them all luck!

Winter has seen fewer deer at the home place; but there's still a small gathering of mule does and last year's babies. The turkey flocks seem smaller, too- let's hope for a fruitful spring!

The 2009 Conservation Plant Sale is coming up; I hope everyone is able to buy a few plants and trees. From small beginnings, great things can grow! With the dryer summers and low water tables, we need to focus on trees, shrubs and plants that use as little water as possible and that have as tough a spirit as the residents of Ferry County. Be sure to consider planting shrubs that feed bees- pesticides, diminishing food sources and disease have taken a toll on the bees- and as we all know, what happens to the bees affects us all.

Small news items:
Jennifer Miller purchased Flowers Et Cetera and has relocated next to Harding's. She offers a full service flower and gift shop. It's great to see one of our residents make the decision to start a new business.

Shop the Frontier, the retail branch of Stone Soup (the local non-profit organization that supports rural arts and artists), has moved to 600 So Clark Ave. The new space offers gifts handcrafted by your rural neighbors, as well as a new art gallery space that will soon offer art classes. They're also in the process of opening a training center for art, business and technology, expanding on the old Technology Center idea. Look for some good developments, here!! Be sure to drop by if you're an artist or craftsperson who would like to share your skills with others.
Shop the Frontier has also been asked to host a regular poetry group; this will start up soon. Some might ask "How is that important?" well, poetry is a creative process that can ignite the imagination, speak to the heart and inspire change. I'll close with a paraphrase of a William Faulkner quote: " [Man] is immortal ... because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is [the poet's]privilege to write about these help mankind endure by lifting the heart, by reminding mankind of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of our past." The power of the written word is awe-inspiring; the ability to use that power properly is a gift every child should receive.

The Stone Rose auction is coming up- get ready for this one; it supports a local landmark that draws tourists and scientists from all over the globe.

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