Monday, April 06, 2009

Spring in Republic

Spring is finally moving in, after what seems like an extra long winter. And with spring, more activities are starting.

At the Republic Training Center, four classes are being offered in April. These include necklace construction, silver smithing, developing a professional image as an arts business and training to be an instructor at the training center. Remember these classes are designed to help community members develop skills you can turn into income stream elements for supplemental income for your families- and call for information!!
You can learn more about the center by clicking on the Arts and Culture section on the Republic blog page.

David Blanck is looking for help with Prospector Days. As the new chair, David brings a lot of positive energy to the position; he is looking for people who want to see Prospector Days become a thriving community event again. If you want to help, stop by the Chamber of Commerce and leave your contact information. EVERY business, every person in the community, has something to offer, to bring to the table, whether its ideas, event ideas, physical labor or displays. This is an opportunity for Ferry County citizens to step up to the plate. After all, when you say "Somebody needs to do something", what you are really saying is "I must do something"- because we are each that "somebody"!! So mosey on down to the Chamber and join us for a meeting of minds on Prospector Days (and while there, say hello to Daria, the new President of the C o C!)

It has been said "A nation can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable: the women, children and animals that live in its borders". April is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Connections is stepping up with numerous activites. For a complete schedule, visit Connections and pick up their brochure.

There are so many ways for people to participate in the community- from helping the Stone Rose Fossil Center with its annual spring clean-up to cleaning up the city parks, hospice work to den mothers and fathers, Prospector Days to frog watch, helping at the food bank and more... that there is really no reason for anyone to be "bored" or feel apathetic.. people get out of their community what they put IN to the community.. and with so much help needed, you'll be much appreciated! Want to be part of something bigger than yourself? Visit your local non-profit organizations and see if you can help! Better still, bring your own ideas to the mix, too!

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