Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Horizons Meeting July 17

July will be a special month. On July 17, at noon, Krisan LeHew will be in Republic to meet with anyone interested in the goals of Horizons. We'll be discussing the $10000 we earned through meeting our goals and will also get some reminder background information on the past year. The location will be posted on this blog as soon as it's confirmed; if you want to attend, please call and we'll notify you of the meeting location as soon as we can.
Then, on July 24 at 4:30 pm, there will be another meeting for those unable to attend the 17th. Because some notes were lost, we asked Krisan to go back over the logs and give us some clarity on past proposals, goals and meetings.
As you know, we are trying to develop a steering committee; this requires a small commitment of time and energy but will be well worth the effort. We need a small core of people who can give one late afternoon a month to keep the group going, determine new projects and help generate more projects that will address issues of poverty in Republic. If interested, call Sikander at 509-775-2329.

On another note: Sikander will be editing this blog at this time. She has discussed the blog with Krisan and would like to expand it to explore issues that affect the community in various ways. It will take a little while to "learn the system" but once it's mastered, it could grow in interesting ways. But she's also looking for other people willing to write for the blog. What interests YOU as a citizen of Republic? How would you like to see the blog expand?

Watch this site- we want to grow! See you July 17, location to be announced.

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